.. _read_and_write: Read and Write ============== .. contents:: Read ---- Most commmon usage: load a single file with all frame .. ipython:: python # read amber format import pytraj as pt traj = pt.iterload('tz2.ortho.nc', 'tz2.ortho.parm7') traj Most commmon usage: load a single file with frame stride .. code-block:: python # load only frame 0, 2, 4, 6 (python use 0-based index and skip final index) traj = pt.iterload('tz2.nc', 'tz2.parm7', frame_slice=[(0, 8, 2),]) Load many files at once .. code-block:: python In [1]: ls remd.x.* remd.x.000 remd.x.003 remd.x.006 remd.x.009 remd.x.012 remd.x.015 remd.x.001 remd.x.004 remd.x.007 remd.x.010 remd.x.013 remd.x.016 remd.x.002 remd.x.005 remd.x.008 remd.x.011 remd.x.014 remd.x.017 In [2]: traj = pt.iterload('remd.x.*', 'myparm.parm7') In [3]: traj Out[3]: > In [4]: traj._estimated_MB Out[4]: 15969.54345703125 Load many files with frame stride Example: load 1000 frames from two trajectories (500 each), skip every two frames. .. code-block:: python In [1]: traj = pt.iterload(['remd.x.000', 'remd.x.001'], 'myparm.parm7', frame_slice=[(0, 1000, 2), (0, 1000, 2)]) In [2]: traj Out[2]: > which is similiar to ``cpptraj`` input: .. code-block:: bash parm myparm.parm7 trajin remd.x.000 1 1000 2 trajin remd.x.001 1 1000 2 .. note:: cpptraj uses 1-based index for input while ``pytraj`` used 0-based index. Write ----- .. ipython:: python # write to CHARMM dcd format pt.write_traj('test.dcd', traj, overwrite=True) # write with given frames pt.write_traj('test2.dcd', traj, frame_indices=[0, 3, 7, 9], overwrite=True) Supported file formats ---------------------- .. autofunction:: pytraj.write_traj