Developer guide for pytraj ========================== .. note:: This guide might be outdated. .. contents:: General philosophy ------------------ Try your best to follow instruction below but you do not need to strictly follow. Instead, you're welcome to make suggestions/changes. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask. Don't be afraid that your code does not look right or pretty. We can discuss by openning an `issue `_ If having any suggestions, open an issue too. Our github repo --------------- ` `_ How to contribute code? - Please read general instruction about git control in `pandas website `_ - Basic steps - make an account on `github `_ - fork our repo: help `here `_ - clone your fork to your computer - make a new branch - make change, do testing, commmit, push to your fork on github - make pull request (PR) - After code reviewing, you might need to add/update code. Just push code the the same PR. Examples: I forked amber-md/pytraj repo to my account hainm/pytraj .. code-block:: bash $ # download my branch to my computer $ git clone $ cd pytraj $ # create a new branch $ git branch your_feature_name $ git checkout your_feature_name $ # make changes, do testing, ... $ # use git add and git commit to record new change (google please) $ # then push the code to your repo on github $ git push origin your_feature_name $ # then make a pull request to amber-md/pytraj $ # (sounds complicated but not really, just try it and feel free to ask us for any questions) Above is very minimal instruction to start up. Please google for further detail. Python style guide ------------------ - Please try to follow `PEP8 `_ - I (Hai) often use `autopep8 `_ to format my code:: autopep8 -a -i - Each method should have clear doc (good for both users and other developers to understand what you mean). Please read `numpy doc `_ Python 2 and 3 compat --------------------- Use `six `_ to write your compat code. We put all common stuff in `pytraj.compat `_ .. note:: currently, I (Hai) are only working on Python3 since it's much better Python2 (google why). conda build to upload to anaconda server ---------------------------------------- - conda recipe:: $ git clone $ cd conda-recipes $ # build libcpptraj if needed $ conda build libcpptraj/ $ # then build pytraj $ ./pytraj/ $ # use (instead of conda build pytraj/) because we build 3 times for py27, py34, py35 Install ------- - from source .. code-block:: bash $ python ./ install Build wheel for Linux and then upload to pypi --------------------------------------------- Need: auditwheel (require python >= 3.4), twine .. code-block:: bash $ python -m pip wheel ./pytraj-1.0.3.tar.gz $ auditwheel repair pytraj-1.0.3-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl $ twine upload wheelhouse/pytraj-1.0.3-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl $ # want to upload slightly modified version: change "1.0.3" to "" (or similiar) Trick: - Use conda to create different python envs, then build corresponding wheel, then use auditwheel to repair all the wheels - You don't need to activate new env, just specify python exe path:: $ ~/anaconda3/envs/py27_pypi/bin/python -m pip wheel ... Add new method to pytraj ------------------------ Check ``pytraj.all_actions`` for example. Write your code for pytraj's parallel pmap ------------------------------------------ .. code-block:: python def new_method(traj, ...): # make sure to use frame iterator like below for frame in traj: do_something_cool_with_frame return something_you_want # that's it. Now you can plug your method to ``pytraj.pmap`` from pytraj import pmap pmap(n_cores=4, func=new_method, traj=traj, ...) if you don't want to write code for `pmap`, just tag it with `noparallel` decorator .. code-block:: python from pytraj.decorators import noparallel @noparallel def new_method(...): ... Test your code -------------- New method, new change must have testing code. Currently, all testing codes are in **pytraj/tests/** folder. .. code-block:: bash $ cd tests $ cp $ # To run all tests $ nosetests -vs . $ # to speed up the test $ nosetests --processes=n_cpus_you_wants -vs . $ # to run specific file $ python $ # clean $ git clean -f External codes -------------- Try to put all external codes (````, ...) in ``pytraj/externals/`` folder. Licence info ------------ ``pytraj`` always welcomes code contribution. It's recommended to put your name in the code you write. However, for the sake of clearness, just put something very short, like ``Copyright (c) 2010-2013 your_first_and_last_name`` and give full details of your contribution, license in ``pytraj/licenses/`` folder. Build doc --------- .. note:: make sure to install pytraj, cpptraj, numpy, ipython, matplotlib, memory_profiler, psutil. Install `sphinx-bootstrap-theme too `_ .. code-block:: bash $ git clone $ cd pytraj $ git checkout gh-pages $ cd doc $ make html There are some tricks: - let ipython run your code in ``.rst`` file by adding ipython directive:: .. ipython:: python - let ipython run your notebook and automatically convert to html file, add notebook directive:: .. notebook:: data/plot_rmsd_radgyr_correlation.ipynb :skip_exceptions: - let's see other tricks in:: source/tutorials/*rst .. note:: to update layout for website, should modify 'source/_static/my-styles.css' file. How to make a tutorial and include it in pytraj's website --------------------------------------------------------- I (Hai) prefer to use ipython notebook to write tutorial and include it in website. sphinx will run the notebook, convert to html file, insert it in correct page. But let's start with different ways to make a tutorial. First, make sure to:: $ git checkout gh-pages - use ipython directive: you just write the code and sphinx will run it for you. check:: $ doc/source/tutorials/basic_examples.rst This is how the page look likes `basic_examples `_. Click ``Source`` in that page for raw code. - use ipython notebook directive: you just write the code and sphinx will run it for you. This approach will have more richful layout. check:: $ doc/source/tutorials/plot_correlation_matrix.rst This is how the page look likes `plot_correlation_matrix `_. Click ``Source`` in that page for raw code. - Two above approaches are performed on the fly when you make the doc. If you don't want to rerun your notebook, you can run once, convert it to html file and include it in rst file:: $ ipython nbconvert --to html your_notebook_name.ipynb $ # check doc/source/tutorials/lysozyme_order_parameter_.rst $ # (basically you just need to use .. raw:: html directive) This is how the page look likes `lysozyme_order_parameter `_. Click ``Source`` in that page for raw code. Push pytraj and libcpptraj to after successful build on travis --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. note:: This 'push' is for those who have permision to log in to ambermd account on - website: ` `_ - install ``ruby`` (google how) - install ``travis``:: $ gem install travis - install anaconda-client:: $ conda install anaconda-client - In your terminal, log in to anaconda account:: $ anaconda login $ # just enter your username and password - generate anaconda token to give travis permision to push data in ambermd channel in $ git clone $ cd pytraj $ # generate token $ TOKEN=$(anaconda auth --create --name MyToken) $ echo $TOKEN - need to use ``travis`` to encrypt our token:: $ travis encrypt TRAVIS_TO_ANACONDA=secretvalue - make code change, commit, push to github so travis can build pytraj and libcpptraj:: $ # after successful build, travis will push to by below command $ anaconda -t $TRAVIS_TO_ANACONDA upload --force -u ambermd -p pytraj-dev $HOME/miniconda/conda-bld/linux-64/pytraj-dev-* $ # check devtools/travis-ci/ and .travis.yml files for implementation. Code coverage, how well are your codes tested? ---------------------------------------------- It's good to measure how well you code is tested. Basically, you should write all possible tests to make sure all (most) lines of codes executed:: $ nosetests -vs --processes 6 --process-timeout 200 --with-coverage --cover-package pytraj Explanation for above line: - ``--processes 6``: use 6 processes to speed up testing - ``--with-coverage``: use `coverage module `_ to measure your code coverage - ``--cover-package pytraj``: only care about code in pytraj In the final output, you should get something like:: 170 29 83% 20-21, 29-30, 213-215, 217, 258, 357, 428, 439, 450-456, 493-503, 516 The numbers after ``83%`` show the line numbers in module ( that are not executed in test files. if I open the 516-th line in ```` file, I will see:: 514 def load_single_frame(frame=None, top=None, index=0): 515 """load a single Frame""" 516 return iterload(frame, top)[index] This means that this method has never been tested. So just write a test case for it to increase the coverage score. Segmentation fault debug ------------------------ Use ``gdb`` .. code-block:: bash $ gdb python (gdb) run (gdb) bt cython ------ We recommended to use ``cython`` to write or wrap high performance code. Please don't use ``cimport numpy``, use `memoryview `_ instead Since ``pytraj`` will be bundled with AmberTools in Amber, it's important that we should commit cythonized file too. The main idea is that user only need C++ compiler and ``cpptraj``, nothing else. For some unknow reasons, I (Hai) got segmentation fault if import numpy in the top of the module when working with ``*.pyx`` file. It's better to import numpy locally (inside each method). Convert gif from video ---------------------- I (HN) tried different programs to record screen but only works well (easily to export to high quality GIF without using addional program). See `demo here `_ Read Also --------- `cpptraj developer guide `_ `test cpptraj api change with pytraj on travis `_ `sklearn developer guide `_ `pandas developer guide `_ `add doctest to unittest `_