

Just need to import pytraj and use the method directly

import pytraj as pt
pt.pca(traj), mask='@CA')
  • Most of the methods’ names start with ‘calc_‘ but use can ignore ‘calc_‘. For example:

    pt.calc_pca(...) is the same as pt.pca(...)
pytraj.all_actions.analyze_modes(mode_type, eigenvectors, eigenvalues, scalar_type='mwcovar', options='', dtype='dict')
pytraj.all_actions.translate(traj=None, command='', frame_indices=None, top=None)

translate coordinate


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> # load to mutable trajectory by `load` method
>>> from pytraj.testing import get_fn
>>> fn, tn = get_fn('tz2')
>>> traj = pt.load(fn, tn)
>>> # do transform traj and return itself
>>> traj = pt.translate(traj, '@CA x 120.')
pytraj.all_actions.rotate(traj=None, command='', frame_indices=None, top=None)


rotate is an alias of do_rotation


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> # load to mutable trajectory by `load` method
>>> from pytraj.testing import get_fn
>>> fn, tn = get_fn('tz2')
>>> traj = pt.load(fn, tn)
>>> # do transform traj and return itself
>>> traj = pt.rotate(traj, 'x 90')
pytraj.all_actions.autoimage(traj, mask='', frame_indices=None, top=None)

perform autoimage and return the updated-coordinate traj

>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()[:]
>>> traj = pt.autoimage(traj)
pytraj.all_actions.image(traj, mask='', frame_indices=None, top=None)

perform imaging and return the updated-coordinate traj


User should always try to use autoimage first


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()[:]
>>> traj = pt.image(traj, 'origin center :WAT')
pytraj.all_actions.scale(traj=None, command='', frame_indices=None, top=None)


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> # load to mutable trajectory by `load` method
>>> from pytraj.testing import get_fn
>>> fn, tn = get_fn('tz2')
>>> traj = pt.load(fn, tn)
>>> # do transform traj and return itself
>>> traj = pt.scale(traj, '@CA x 1.2')
pytraj.all_actions.get_average_frame(traj, mask='', frame_indices=None, dtype='frame', autoimage=False, rmsfit=None, top=None)

get mean structure for a given mask and given frame_indices


traj : Trajectory-like or iterable that produces Frame

mask : None or str, default None (all atoms)

frame_indices : iterable that produces integer, default None, optional

frame indices

dtype: str, {‘frame’, ‘traj’}, default ‘frame’

return type, either Frame (does not have Topology information) or ‘traj’

autoimage : bool, default False

if True, performa autoimage

rmsfit : object, {Frame, int, tuple, None}, default None

if rmsfit is not None, perform rms fit to reference.


if autoimage=True and having rmsfit, perform autoimage first and do rmsfit


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> # get average structure from whole traj, all atoms
>>> frame = pt.mean_structure(traj)
>>> # get average structure from several frames, '@CA' atoms"
>>> frame = pt.mean_structure(traj, '@CA', frame_indices=range(2, 8, 2))
>>> # get average structure but do autoimage and rmsfit to 1st Frame
>>> frame = pt.mean_structure(traj(autoimage=True, rmsfit=0))
>>> # get average structure but do autoimage and rmsfit to 1st Frame.
>>> frame = pt.mean_structure(traj(autoimage=True, rmsfit=0, frame_indices=[0, 5, 6]))
pytraj.all_actions.get_velocity(traj, mask=None, frame_indices=None)

get velocity for specify frames with given mask


traj : Trajectory-like or iterable that produces Frame

mask : str, default None (use all atoms), optional

atom mask

frame_indices : iterable that produces integer, default None, optional

if not None, only get velocity for given frame indices


out : 3D numpy array, shape (n_frames, n_atoms, 3)


Since pytraj has limited support for force and velocity info, if user wants to load both from disk, should iterate the TrajectoryIterator (got by pytraj.iterload method)

import pytraj as pt
forces = []
velocities = []

traj = pt.iterload(filename, topology_filename)

for frame in traj:

# Note: pytraj can efficiently load arbitary frame indices to memory
for frame in pt.iterframe(traj, frame_indices=[0, 8, 8, 100, 1000]): pass


>>> vels = pt.get_velocity(traj, frame_indices=[0, 3]) 
pytraj.all_actions.atom_map(traj, ref, rmsfit=False)

Limited support for cpptraj atommap


traj : Trajectory-like

ref : Trajectory-like with one frame

rmsfit : bool, default False

if True, compute rmsfit


out : Tuple[str, np.ndarray]

(mask_out, rmsd data if rmsfit=True)


This method in pytraj is not mature yet.

pytraj.all_actions.align_principal_axis(traj=None, mask='*', top=None, frame_indices=None, mass=False)


apply for mutatble traj (Trajectory, Frame)

pytraj.all_actions.principal_axes(traj=None, mask='*', dorotation=False, mass=True, top=None)

compute principal axes


traj : Trajectory-like

mask : str, default ‘*’ (all atoms)

mass: bool, defaul True

if `dorotation`, the system will be aligned along principal axes (apply for mutable system)

top : Topology, optional


out_0 : numpy array, shape=(n_frames, 3, 3)

out_1: numpy array with shape=(n_frames, 3)

pytraj.all_actions.closest(traj=None, mask='*', solvent_mask=None, n_solvents=10, frame_indices=None, dtype='iterator', top=None)

return either a new Trajectory or a frame iterator. Keep only n_solvents closest to mask


traj : Trajectory-like | list of Trajectory-like/frames | frame iterator | chunk iterator

mask: str, default ‘*’ (all solute atoms)

top : Topology-like object, default=None, optional

dtype : {‘iterator’, ‘trajectory’}, default ‘iterator’

if ‘iterator’, return a tuple of Frame iterator and new Toplogy. ‘iterator’ is good for streaming large trajectory. if ‘trajectory’, return a new Trajectory.


out : (check above)


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> # obtain new traj, keeping only closest 100 waters
>>> # to residues 1 to 13 (index starts from 1) by distance to the first atom of water
>>> t = pt.closest(traj, mask='@CA', n_solvents=10)
pytraj.all_actions.transform(traj, by, frame_indices=None)

transform pytraj.Trajectory by a series of cpptraj’s commands


traj : Mutable Trajectory

by : list of cpptraj commands

frame_indices : {None, array-like}, default None

if not None, perform tranformation for specific frames.


transformed Trajectory. Trajectory’s coordinates will be inplace-updated


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> # perform 'autoimage', then 'rms', then 'center'
>>> traj = pt.transform(traj[:], by=['autoimage', 'rms', 'center :1-5'])
pytraj.all_actions.native_contacts(traj=None, mask='', mask2='', ref=0, dtype='dataset', distance=7.0, image=True, include_solvent=False, byres=False, frame_indices=None, top=None)

compute native contacts


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> # use 1st frame as reference, don't need specify ref Frame
>>> data = pt.native_contacts(traj)
>>> # explicitly specify reference, specify distance cutoff
>>> ref = traj[3]
>>> data = pt.native_contacts(traj, ref=ref, distance=8.0)
>>> # use integer array for mask
>>> data = pt.native_contacts(traj, mask=range(100), mask2=[200, 201], ref=ref, distance=8.0)
pytraj.all_actions.set_dihedral(traj, resid=0, dihedral_type=None, deg=0, top=None)
Returns:updated traj


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2()
>>> # make mutable traj by loading all frames to disk
>>> traj = traj[:]
>>> traj = pt.set_dihedral(traj, resid=2, dihedral_type='phi', deg=60)
pytraj.all_actions.check_structure(traj, mask='', options='', frame_indices=None, top=None, dtype='ndarray')

check if the structure is ok or not


traj : Trajectory-like

mask: str, default all atoms

options : str, default ‘’

extra cpptraj options

dtype : str, default ‘ndarray’


out : Tuple[np.ndarray, str]

number of problems for each frame and detail


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_rna()
>>> failures = pt.check_structure(traj[:1])
pytraj.all_actions.mean_structure(traj, mask='', frame_indices=None, dtype='frame', autoimage=False, rmsfit=None, top=None)

get mean structure for a given mask and given frame_indices


traj : Trajectory-like or iterable that produces Frame

mask : None or str, default None (all atoms)

frame_indices : iterable that produces integer, default None, optional

frame indices

dtype: str, {‘frame’, ‘traj’}, default ‘frame’

return type, either Frame (does not have Topology information) or ‘traj’

autoimage : bool, default False

if True, performa autoimage

rmsfit : object, {Frame, int, tuple, None}, default None

if rmsfit is not None, perform rms fit to reference.


if autoimage=True and having rmsfit, perform autoimage first and do rmsfit


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> # get average structure from whole traj, all atoms
>>> frame = pt.mean_structure(traj)
>>> # get average structure from several frames, '@CA' atoms"
>>> frame = pt.mean_structure(traj, '@CA', frame_indices=range(2, 8, 2))
>>> # get average structure but do autoimage and rmsfit to 1st Frame
>>> frame = pt.mean_structure(traj(autoimage=True, rmsfit=0))
>>> # get average structure but do autoimage and rmsfit to 1st Frame.
>>> frame = pt.mean_structure(traj(autoimage=True, rmsfit=0, frame_indices=[0, 5, 6]))
pytraj.all_actions.lowestcurve(data, points=10, step=0.2)

compute lowest curve for data


data : 2D array-like

points : number of lowest points in each bin, default 10

step : step size, default 0.2


2d array

pytraj.all_actions.make_structure(traj, command='', ref=None)

limited support for make_structure


traj : Trajectory

command : cpptraj command or a list of cpptraj commands

ref : None or a Frame or a Trajectory with one Frame

if not None, use ref as reference. If is None, use, else use

If ref is given, the command should be command = ‘ref:<range>:<ref range>’. Please note that this syntax is different from cpptraj, you do not need to provide reference name. If ref is a Trajectory having more than 1 frame, only first frame is considered.


traj : itself


Apply dihedrals to specified residues using arguments found in <List of Args>, where an argument is 1 or more of the following arg types:

‘<sstype>:<res range>’

Apply SS type (phi/psi) to residue range.

<sstype> standard = alpha, left, pp2, hairpin, extended

<sstype> turn = typeI, typeII, typeVIII, typeI’, typeII, typeVIa1, typeVIa2, typeVIb
Turns are applied to 2 residues at a time, so resrange must be divisible by 4.

‘<custom ss>:<res range>:<phi>:<psi>’

Apply custom <phi>/<psi> to residue range.

‘<custom turn>:<res range>:<phi1>:<psi1>:<phi2>:<psi2>’

Apply custom turn <phi>/<psi> pair to residue range.

‘<custom dih>:<res range>:<dih type>:<angle>’

Apply <angle> to dihedrals in range.

<dih type> = alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta nu1 nu2 h1p c2p chin phi psi chip omega

‘<custom dih>:<res range>:<at0>:<at1>:<at2>:<at3>:<angle>[:<offset>]’

Apply <angle> to dihedral defined by atoms <at1>, <at2>, <at3>, and <at4>.

Offset -2=<a0><a1> in previous res, -1=<a0> in previous res,
0=All <aX> in single res, 1=<a3> in next res, 2=<a2><a3> in next res.


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2()[:]
>>> # Make alpha helix for residue 1 to 12)
>>> traj = pt.make_structure(traj, "alpha:1-12")
>>> # Make hairpin for residue 1 to 5 and make alpha helix for residue 6 to 12
>>> traj = pt.make_structure(traj, ["hairpin:1-5", "alpha:6-12"])
>>> # From cpptraj example:
>>> # Make residues 1 and 12 'extended', residues 6 and 7 a type I' turn, and two
>>> # custom assignments, one (custom1) for residues 2-5, the other (custom2) for residues 8-11:
>>> traj = pt.make_structure(traj, ["extended:1,12",
...                                 "custom1:2-5:-80.:130.:-130.:140.",
...                                 "typeI':6-7",
...                                 "custom2:8-11:-140.:170.:-100.:140."])
>>> # Make new structure from reference
>>> def make_new_by_using_ref(): 
...     tz2_parm7 = 'tz2.parm7'
...     ref_rst7 = 'tz2.rst7'
...     trajin_rst7 ='
...     traj = pt.load(trajin_rst7, top=tz2_parm7)
...     ref = pt.load(ref_rst7, top=tz2_parm7)
...     # make dihedral angle for targeted residues 1 to 13 by using
...     # reference residues 1 to 13
...     pt.make_structure(traj, "ref:1-13:1-13", ref=ref)
pytraj.all_actions.replicate_cell(traj=None, mask='', direction='all', frame_indices=None, top=None)

create a trajectory where the unit cell is replicated in 1 or more direction (up to 27)


traj : Trajectory-like or Frame iterator

mask : str, default: “”

if default, using all atoms else: given mask

direction: {‘all’, ‘dir’} or list/tuple of <XYZ> (below)

if ‘all’, replicate cell once in all possible directions if ‘dir’, need to specify the direction with format ‘dir <XYZ>’, where each X (Y, Z) is either 0, 1 or -1 (see example below)

top : Topology, optional, default: None


traj : pytraj.Trajectory


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> new_traj = pt.replicate_cell(traj, direction='all')
>>> new_traj = pt.replicate_cell(traj, direction='dir 001 dir 111')
>>> new_traj = pt.replicate_cell(traj, direction='dir 001 dir 1-10')
>>> new_traj = pt.replicate_cell(traj, direction='dir 001 dir 1-10')
>>> # similiar usage
>>> new_traj = pt.replicate_cell(traj, direction=('001', '0-10'))
>>> new_traj = pt.replicate_cell(traj, direction=['001', '0-10'])
pytraj.all_actions.pucker(traj=None, pucker_mask=("C1'", "C2'", "C3'", "C4'", "O4'"), resrange=None, top=None, dtype='dataset', range360=False, method='altona', use_com=True, amplitude=False, offset=None)

compute pucker


traj : Trajectory-like

pucker_mask : str

resrange : None or array of int

top : Topology, optional

dtype : str, return type

range360: bool, use 360 or 180 scale

method : {‘altona’, ‘cremer’}, default ‘altona’

use_com : bool

amplitude : bool, default False

offset : None or float



pytraj.all_actions.rmsd_perres(traj=None, mask='', ref=0, mass=False, resrange=None, perres_mask=None, perres_center=False, perres_invert=False, frame_indices=None, top=None, dtype='dataset', **kwd)

superpose traj to ref with mask, then calculate nofit rms for residues in resrange with given perresmask


out : pytraj.DatasetList, shape=(1+n_residues, n_frames)

out[0]: regular rmsd out[1:]: perres rmsd for all given residues out.values will return corresponding numpy array

pytraj.all_actions.randomize_ions(traj, mask, around, by, overlap, seed=1, top=None, frame_indices=None)

randomize_ions for given Frame with Topology


traj : Trajectory-like or a Frame

traj must be mutable

mask : str

cpptraj command

frame_indices : {None, array-like}, optional

top : Topology, optional (only needed if traj does not have it)


>>> pt.randomize_ions(traj, mask='@Na+', around=':1-16', by=5.0, overlap=3.0, seed=113698) 
pytraj.all_actions.velocityautocorr(traj, mask='', maxlag=-1, tstep=1.0, direct=True, norm=False, usevelocity=False, dtype='ndarray', top=None, velocity_arr=None)

traj : Trajectory-like

mask : str

atom mask

maxlag : int, default -1

maximum lag. If -1, using half of total number of frame if given, use it.

tstep : float, default 1.0

direct : bool, default True

if True, use direct method else, use FFT to compute autocorrelation function

norm : bool, default False

if True, normalize autocorrelation function to 1.0

usevelocity : bool, default False

if True, use velocity info in Frame

dtype : str, default ‘ndarray’

return data type

top : None or Topology, default None, optional

velocity_arr : None or 3D like array, default None

only use velocity_arr if usevelocity is True


If you create Trajectory by pytraj.load method, there is no velocity information. So if you want to use usevelocity=True, you need to provide 3D-array velocity_arr

pytraj.all_actions.timecorr(vec0, vec1, order=2, tstep=1.0, tcorr=10000.0, norm=False, dtype='ndarray')

compute time correlation.


vec0 : 2D array-like, shape=(n_frames, 3)

vec1 : 2D array-like, shape=(n_frames, 3)

order : int, default 2

tstep : float, default 1.

tcorr : float, default 10000.

norm : bool, default False

pytraj.all_actions.search_neighbors(traj=None, mask='', frame_indices=None, dtype='dataset', top=None)

search neighbors


pytraj.DatasetList, is a list of atom index arrays for each frame.

Those arrays might not have the same lenghth


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> indices = pt.search_neighbors(traj, ':5<@5.0') # around residue 5 with 5.0 cutoff
pytraj.all_actions.xcorr(data0, data1, dtype='ndarray')

compute cross correlation between two datasets


data0 and data1: 1D-array like

dtype : return datatype, default ‘ndarray’


Same as corr in cpptraj

pytraj.all_actions.acorr(data, dtype='ndarray', option='')

compute autocorrelation


data : 1d array-like

dtype: return type, default ‘ndarray’

covar : bool, default True

option : str

more cpptraj options


Same as autocorr in cpptraj

pytraj.all_actions.projection(traj, mask='', eigenvectors=None, eigenvalues=None, scalar_type='covar', average_coords=None, frame_indices=None, dtype='ndarray', top=None)

compute projection along given eigenvectors


traj : Trajectory-like

mask : atom mask, either string or array-like

eigenvalues : 1D array-like

eigenvectors : 2D array-like

scalar_type : str, {‘covar’, ‘mwcovar’, }, default ‘covar’

make sure to provide correct scalar_type. Note: not yet support ‘dihcovar’ and ‘idea’

average_coords : 3D array-like, optional, default None

average coordinates. If ‘None’, pytraj will compute mean_structure with given mask

frame_indices : array-like

If not None, compute projection for given frames.

dtype : str, return data type, default ‘ndarray’

top : Topology, optional, default None


projection_data : ndarray, shape=(n_vecs, n_frames)


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2()
>>> mat = pt.matrix.covar(traj, '@CA')
>>> eigenvectors, eigenvalues = pt.matrix.diagonalize(mat, 2)
>>> # since we compute covariance matrix, we need to specify
>>> # scalar_type = 'covar'
>>> scalar_type = 'covar'
>>> data = pt.projection(traj, '@CA', eigenvalues=eigenvalues, eigenvectors=eigenvectors, scalar_type=scalar_type)
>>> data.shape
(2, 101)
pytraj.all_actions.superpose(traj, *args, **kwd)
pytraj.all_actions.strip(obj, mask)

return a new Trajectory or FrameIterator or Topology with given mask.


This method is trying to be smart. If you give it an in-memory Trajectory, it will return a corresponding in-memory Trajectory. If you give it an out-of-memory TrajectoryIterator, it will give you a corresponding FrameIterator object (out-of-memory). If you give it a Topology, it will return a new stripped Topology.


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> traj.n_atoms
>>> pt.strip(traj, '!@CA').n_atoms
>>> pt.strip(, '!@CA').n_atoms
>>> pt.strip('!@CA',
>>> t0 = traj[:3]
>>> pt.strip(t0, '!@CA').n_atoms
>>> fi = pt.iterframe(traj, stop=3)
>>> fi = pt.strip(fi, '!@CA')
>>> for frame in fi:
...    print(frame)
<Frame with 12 atoms>
<Frame with 12 atoms>
<Frame with 12 atoms>
>>> # raise ValueError
>>> pt.strip(0, '@CA')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: object must be either Trajectory or Topology
pytraj.all_actions.density(traj, mask='*', density_type='number', delta=0.25, direction='z', dtype='dict')

Compute density (number, mass, charge, electron) along a coordinate


traj : Trajectory-like

mask : str or list of str, default ‘*’

required mask

density_type : str, {‘number’, ‘mass’, ‘charge’, ‘electron’}, default ‘number’

delta : float, default 0.25

resolution (Angstrom)

direction : str, default ‘z’

dtype : str, default ‘dict’

return data type. Please always using default value, others are for debugging.


out : dict of average density and std for each frame


Syntax might be changed


>>> def func():
...     import pytraj as pt
...     fn = "data/DOPC.rst7"
...     tn = "data/DOPC.parm7" 
...     traj = pt.load("data/DOPC.rst7", "data/DOPC.parm7")

... delta = ‘0.25’ ... density_type = ‘charge’ ... masks = [”:PC@P31”, ”:PC@N31”, ”:PC@C2”, ”:PC | :OL | :OL2”] ... density_dict = pt.density(traj, mask=masks, density_type=density_type, delta=delta) ... return density_dict >>> density_dict = func() # doctest: +SKIP

pytraj.all_actions.gist(traj, grid_center=[0.0, 0.0, 0], grid_dim=[40, 40, 40], grid_spacing=0.5, do_order=False, do_eij=False, reference_density=0.0334, temperature=300.0, options='', dtype='dict')

minimal support for gist command in cpptraj


traj : Trajectory-like

grid_center : 1-D array-like or str, default [0., 0., 0.] (origin)

grid center, an array with shape = (3,) or a str (similiar to cpptraj command)

grid_dim: 1-D array-like or str, default [40, 40, 40]

grid dim, an array with shape = (3,) or a str (similiar to cpptraj command)

grid_spacing: float, default 0.5

do_order : bool, default False

do_eij : bool, default False

reference_density : float, default 0.0334

same as “refdens” in cpptraj

options : str

additional cpptraj output command (e.g prefix, ext, out, info)

temperature : float, default 300.

dtype : str, default ‘dict’

return data type.


out : dict (or another data type based on dtype)

User should always use the default dtype


Syntax might be changed. There is a bug in pytraj that causes segmentation fault sometimes., mask='', center='box', mass=False, top=None, frame_indices=None)

Center coordinates in mask to specified point.


traj : Trajectory-like or Frame iterator

mask : str, mask

center : str, {‘box’, ‘origin’, array-like}, default ‘box’

if ‘origin’, center on coordinate origin (0, 0, 0) if ‘box’, center on box center if array-like, center on that point

mass : bool, default: False

if True, use mass weighted

top : Topology, optional, default: None


updated traj

See also



>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> # load all frames to memory so we can 'mutate' them
>>> traj = traj[:]
>>> # all atoms, center to box center (x/2, y/2, z/2)
>>> traj =
>>> # center at origin, use @CA
>>> traj =, '@CA', center='origin')
>>> # center to box center, use mass weighted
>>> traj =, mass=True)
>>> traj =, ':1', mass=True)
pytraj.all_actions.wavelet(traj, command)

wavelet analysis


traj : Trajectory-like

command : str, cpptraj command


out : dict


  • This method is not well-supported in pytraj. It means that

you need to type cpptraj command. Please check cpptraj manual for further info if you really want to use it.

  • Currently pytraj will create a new copy of Trajectory for cpptraj in memory,

so this method is only good for small trajectory that fit to your RAM.

version added: 1.0.6


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_dpdp()
>>> c0 = 'nb 10 s0 2 ds 0.25 type morlet correction 1.01 chival 0.25 :1-22'
>>> c1 = 'cluster minpoints 66 epsilon 10.0'
>>> command = ' '.join((c0, c1))
>>> wavelet_dict = pt.wavelet(traj, command)
pytraj.all_actions.rotation_matrix(traj=None, mask='', ref=0, mass=False, frame_indices=None, top=None, with_rmsd=False)

Compute rotation matrix with/without rmsd


traj : Trajectory-like

ref : {int, Frame}, default 0 (first Frame)


mask : str, default all atoms

mass : bool, default False

if True, rmsfit with mass weighted

frame_indices : {None, array-like}

if not None, compute for given indices

top : Topology, optional

with_rmsd : bool, default False

  • if False, return only rotation matrix.
  • if True, return rotation matrix and rmsd values

out : if with_rmsd=False, return numpy array, shape (n_frames, 3, 3)

if with_rmsd=True, return a tuple (mat, rmsd)


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2()
>>> mat = pt.calc_rotation_matrix(traj, mask='@CA')
>>> mat.shape
(101, 3, 3)
pytraj.all_actions.pairwise_rmsd(traj=None, mask='', metric='rms', top=None, dtype='ndarray', mat_type='full', frame_indices=None)

Calculate pairwise rmsd with different metrics.


traj : Trajectory-like or iterable object

mask : mask

if mask is “”, use all atoms

metric : {‘rms’, ‘dme’, ‘srmsd’, ‘nofit’}

if ‘rms’, perform rms fit if ‘dme’, use distance RMSD if ‘srmsd’, use symmetry-corrected RMSD if ‘nofit’, perform rmsd without fitting

top : Topology, optional, default=None

dtype: ndarray

return type

mat_type : str, {‘full’, ‘half’}

if ‘full’: return 2D array, shape=(n_frames, n_frames) if ‘half’: return 1D array, shape=(n_frames*(n_frames-1)/2, )


Install libcpptraj with openmp to get benefit from parallel


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> arr = pt.pairwise_rmsd(traj(0, 1000, mask='@CA'))
>>> # calculate pairwise rmsd for all frames using CA atoms, use `dme` (distance RMSD)
>>> # convert to numpy array
>>> arr_np = pt.pairwise_rmsd(traj, "@CA", metric="dme", dtype='ndarray')
>>> # calculate pairwise rmsd for all frames using CA atoms, nofit for RMSD
>>> # convert to numpy array
>>> arr_np = pt.pairwise_rmsd(traj, "@CA", metric="nofit", dtype='ndarray')
>>> # calculate pairwise rmsd for all frames using CA atoms
>>> # use symmetry-corrected RMSD, convert to numpy array
>>> arr_np = pt.pairwise_rmsd(traj, "@CA", metric="srmsd", dtype='ndarray')
>>> # use different dtype
>>> arr_np = pt.pairwise_rmsd(traj, "@CA", metric="srmsd", dtype='dataset')
pytraj.all_actions.rmsd_perres(traj=None, mask='', ref=0, mass=False, resrange=None, perres_mask=None, perres_center=False, perres_invert=False, frame_indices=None, top=None, dtype='dataset', **kwd)

superpose traj to ref with mask, then calculate nofit rms for residues in resrange with given perresmask


out : pytraj.DatasetList, shape=(1+n_residues, n_frames)

out[0]: regular rmsd out[1:]: perres rmsd for all given residues out.values will return corresponding numpy array

pytraj.all_actions.rmsd_nofit(traj=None, mask='', ref=0, mass=False, frame_indices=None, top=None, dtype='ndarray', **kwd)

compute rmsd without fitting (translating and rotating)


traj : Trajectory-like

mask : str

ref : Frame or int

mass : bool, default False

if True, use mass-weighted

frame_indices : 1D array-like, default None

if given, only perform calculation for those frames


This method is equal to pytraj.rmsd(traj, mask, ref, nofit=True, ...)

pytraj.all_actions.rmsd(traj=None, mask='', ref=0, ref_mask='', nofit=False, mass=False, update_coordinate=True, frame_indices=None, top=None, dtype='ndarray')

compute rmsd


traj : Trajectory-like

mask : str or 1D array-like of string or 1D or 2D array-like

Atom mask/indices

ref : {Frame, int}, default=0 (first frame)

Reference frame or index.

ref_mask: str, optional

if given, use it instead of mask

nofit : bool, default False

if False, perform fitting (rotation and translation). if traj is mutable, its coordinates will be updated if True, not fitting.

mass : bool, default False

if True, compute mass-weighted rmsd

update_coordinate : bool, default True

if True, coordinates will be updated. But this only apply to mutable Trajectory if False (same as nomod in cpptraj), no modification

frame_indices : int 1D array-like, default None

if not None, only compute rmsd for given frame indices

top : {Topology, str}, default None, optional

dtype : return data type, default=’ndarray’


  • if traj and ref has diffrent n_atoms, make sure to update
  • you can use pytraj.rmsd to superpose structure (use update_coordinate=True)


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_trpcage()
>>> # all atoms, do fitting, using ref=traj[-3]
>>> data = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-3)
>>> # rmsd for 3 maskes, do fitting, using ref=traj[0] (defaul)
>>> data = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=['@CA', '@C', ':3-18@CA'], dtype='dataset')
>>> # rmsd to first frame, use mass ':3-13' but do not perorm fitting
>>> data= pt.rmsd(traj, ref=traj[0], mask=':3-13', nofit=True)
>>> # use atom indices for mask
>>> data= pt.rmsd(traj, ref=traj[0], mask=range(40), nofit=True)
>>> # compute rmsd (and align) with reference having different atoms
>>> trpcage_traj = pt.datafiles.load_trpcage()[:]
>>> tz2_traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2()[:1]
>>> data = pt.rmsd(trpcage_traj, mask='@1-10', ref=tz2_traj, ref_mask='@11-20')
>>> data
array([ 2.16203842,  2.28859396,  2.15817654, ...,  2.20767189,
        2.30087764,  1.92654945])
if ``traj`` is mutable and update_coordinate=True, its coordinates will be updated.
pytraj.all_actions.symmrmsd(traj, mask='', ref=0, ref_mask=None, fit=True, remap=False, mass=False, top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None)

Compute symmetry-corrected RMSD


traj : Trajectory-like

mask : str, default ‘’ (all atoms)

ref : {int, Frame}, default 0 (first frame)

ref_mask : {str, None}, default None

if None, use traj’s mask if given, use it

fit : Bool, default True

if True, do fitting if False, nofit

mass : Bool, default False

if True, compute mass-weighted rmsd if False, no mas-weighted

remap : Bool, default False

if True, frames will be modifed for symmetry as well

dtype : str, default ‘ndarray’

return data type

frame_indices : {None, array-like}, default None

if given, only compute RMSD for those


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.load("", "TYR.parm7") 
>>> data = pt.symmrmsd(traj, ref=0) 
versionadded: 1.0.6
pytraj.all_actions.distance_rmsd(traj=None, mask='', ref=0, top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None)

compute distance rmsd between traj and reference


traj : Trajectory-like or iterator that produces Frame

ref : {int, Frame}, default 0 (1st Frame)

mask : str

top : Topology or str, optional, default None

dtype : return dtype, default ‘ndarray’


1D ndarray if dtype is ‘ndarray’ (default)


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> # compute distance_rmsd to last frame
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> data = pt.distance_rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
>>> # compute distance_rmsd to first frame with mask = '@CA'
>>> data = pt.distance_rmsd(traj, ref=0, mask='@CA')
pytraj.all_actions.volmap(traj, mask, grid_spacing, size=None, center=None, buffer=3.0, centermask='*', radscale=1.36, peakcut=0.05, top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None)

(combined with cpptraj doc) Grid data as a volumetric map, similar to the volmap command in VMD. The density is calculated by treating each atom as a 3-dimensional Gaussian function whose standard deviation is equal to the van der Waals radius


mask : {str, array-like}, default all atoms

the atom selection from which to calculate the number density

grid_spacing : tuple, grid spacing in X-, Y-, Z-dimensions, require

size : {None, tuple}, default None

if tuple, size must have length of 3

center : {None, tuple}, default None

if not None, center is tuple of (x, y, z) of center point

buffer : float, default 3.0 Angstrom

buffer distance (Angstrom), by which the edges of the grid should clear every atom of the centermask (or default mask if centermask is omitted) in every direction. The buffer is ignored if the center and size are specified.

centermask : str

radscale : float, default 1.36 (to match to VMD calculation)

factor by which to scale radii (by devision)

peakcut : float


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> # load all frames to memory
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()[:]
>>> # do fitting and centering before perform volmap
>>> traj = traj.superpose(mask=':1-13').center(':1-13 mass origin')
>>> data = pt.volmap(traj, mask=':WAT@O', grid_spacing=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), buffer=2.0, centermask='!:1-13', radscale=1.36)
pytraj.all_actions.volume(traj=None, mask='', top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None)

compute volume


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> vol = pt.volume(traj, '@CA')
pytraj.all_actions.atomiccorr(traj, mask='', cut=None, min_spacing=None, byres=True, frame_indices=None, dtype='ndarray', top=None)

compute average correlations between the motion of atoms in mask.


traj : Trajectory-like

mask : atom mask

cut : {None, float}, default None

if not None, only print correlations with absolute value greater than cut

min_spacing : {None, float}, default None

if not None, only calculate correlations for motion vectors spaced min_spacing apart

byres : bool, default False

if False, compute atomic motion vetor if True, Calculate motion vectors for entire residues (selected atoms in residues only).

pytraj.all_actions.esander(traj=None, prmtop=None, igb=8, mm_options=None, qm_options=None, dtype='dict', frame_indices=None, top=None)

energy decomposition by calling libsander


traj : Trajectory-like or iterables that produce Frame

if traj does not hold Topology information, top must be provided

prmtop : str or Structure from ParmEd, default=None, optional

To avoid any unexpected error, you should always provide original topology filename. If prmtop is None, pytraj will load Topology from

  • why do you need to load additional topology filename? Because cpptraj and sander use different Topology object, can not convert from one to another.

igb : GB model, default=8 (GB-Neck2)

If specify mm_options, this igb input will be ignored

mm_options : InputOptions from sander, default=None, optional

if mm_options is None, use gas_input with given igb. If mm_options is not None, use this

qm_options : InputOptions from sander for QMMM, optional

top : pytraj.Topology or str, default=None, optional

only need to specify this top if traj does not hold Topology

dtype : str, {‘dict’, ‘dataset’, ‘ndarray’, ‘dataframe’}, default=’dict’

return data type

frame_indices : None or 1D array-like, default None

if not None, only perform calculation for given frames


Dict of energies (to be used with DataFrame) or DatasetList


This method does not work with pytraj.pmap when you specify mm_options and qm_options. Use pytraj.pmap_mpi with MPI instead.

Work with pytraj.pmap:

pt.pmap(pt.esander, traj, igb=8, dtype='dict')

Will NOT work with pytraj.pmap:

import sander
inp = sander.gas_input(8)
pt.pmap(pt.esander, traj, mm_options=inp, dtype='dict')

Why? Because Python need to pickle each object to send to different cores and Python does not know how to pickle mm_options from sander.gas_input(8).

This works with pytraj.pmap_mpi because pytraj explicitly create mm_options in each core without pickling.


Examples are adapted from $AMBERHOME/test/sanderapi

>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> # GB energy
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_ala3()
>>> traj.n_frames
>>> data = pt.esander(traj, igb=8)
>>> data['gb']
>>> data['bond']
array([ 5.59350521])
>>> # PME
>>> import os
>>> from pytraj.testing import amberhome
>>> import sander
>>> topfile = os.path.join(amberhome, "test/4096wat/prmtop")
>>> rstfile = os.path.join(amberhome, "test/4096wat/eq1.x")
>>> traj = pt.iterload(rstfile, topfile)
>>> options = sander.pme_input()
>>> options.cut = 8.0
>>> edict = pt.esander(traj=traj, mm_options=options)
>>> edict['vdw']
array([ 6028.95167558])
>>> # GB + QMMM
>>> topfile = os.path.join(amberhome, "test/qmmm2/lysine_PM3_qmgb2/prmtop")
>>> rstfile = os.path.join(amberhome, "test/qmmm2/lysine_PM3_qmgb2/lysine.crd")
>>> traj = pt.iterload(rstfile, topfile)
>>> options = sander.gas_input(8)
>>> options.cut = 99.0
>>> options.ifqnt = 1
>>> qm_options = sander.qm_input()
>>> qm_options.iqmatoms[:3] = [8, 9, 10]
>>> qm_options.qm_theory = "PM3"
>>> qm_options.qmcharge = 0
>>> qm_options.qmgb = 2
>>> qm_options.adjust_q = 0
>>> edict = pt.esander(traj=traj, mm_options=options, qm_options=qm_options)
>>> edict['bond']
array([ 0.00160733])
>>> edict['scf']
>>> # passing options to `pytraj.pmap`: need to pass string
>>> from pytraj.testing import get_fn
>>> fn, tn = get_fn('tz2')
>>> traj = pt.iterload(fn, tn)
>>> inp_str = 'mm_options = sander.pme_input()'
>>> edict = pt.pmap(pt.esander, traj, mm_options=inp_str, n_cores=2)
>>> edict['dihedral']
array([ 126.39307126,  127.0460586 ,  137.26793522,  125.30521069,
        125.25110884,  137.69287326,  125.78280543,  125.14530517,
        118.41540102,  128.73535036])
pytraj.all_actions.lie(traj, mask, options='', dtype='dict', frame_indices=None, top=None)