
try pytraj online:

pytraj.distance(traj=None, mask='', frame_indices=None, dtype='ndarray', top=None, image=False, n_frames=None)

compute distance between two maskes


traj : Trajectory-like, list of Trajectory, list of Frames

mask : str or a list of string or a 2D array-like of integers

frame_indices : array-like, optional, default None

dtype : return type, default ‘ndarray’

top : Topology, optional

image : bool, default False

n_frames : int, optional, default None

only need to provide n_frames if traj does not have this info


1D ndarray if mask is a string

2D ndarray, shape (n_atom_pairs, n_frames) if mask is a list of strings or an array


Be careful with Topology. If your topology has Box info but your traj does not, you would get weird output ([0.0, ...]). Make sure to use image=False in this method or set_nobox for Topology.


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> # calculate distance for two atoms, using amber mask
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> dist = pt.distance(traj, '@1 @3')
>>> # calculate distance for two groups of atoms, using amber mask
>>> dist = pt.distance(traj, '@1,37,8 @2,4,6')
>>> # calculate distance between two residues, using amber mask
>>> dist = pt.distance(traj, ':1 :10')
>>> # calculate multiple distances between two residues, using amber mask
>>> # distance between residue 1 and 10, distance between residue 3 and 20
>>> # (when using atom string mask, index starts from 1)
>>> dist = pt.distance(traj, [':1 :10', ':3 :20'])
>>> # calculate distance for a series of atoms, using array for atom mask
>>> # distance between atom 1 and 5, distance between atom 4 and 10 (index starts from 0)
>>> dist = pt.distance(traj, [[1, 5], [4, 10]])
pytraj.angle(traj=None, mask='', top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None, *args, **kwargs)

compute angle between two maskes


traj : Trajectory-like, list of Trajectory, list of Frames

mask : str or array

top : Topology, optional

dtype : return type, defaul ‘ndarray’


1D ndarray if mask is a string

2D ndarray, shape (n_atom_pairs, n_frames) if mask is a list of strings or an array


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> # calculate angle for three atoms, using amber mask
>>> pt.angle(traj, '@1 @3 @10')
array([  98.06193365,   95.75979717,  105.59626997,  107.64079091,
         94.93516228,  102.06028369,  109.3479057 ,  110.11532478,
        101.86104127,  110.48992512])
>>> # calculate angle for three groups of atoms, using amber mask
>>> angles = pt.angle(traj, '@1,37,8 @2,4,6 @5,20')
>>> # calculate angle between three residues, using amber mask
>>> angles = pt.angle(traj, ':1 :10 :20')
>>> # calculate multiple angles between three residues, using amber mask
>>> # angle between residue 1, 10, 20, angle between residue 3, 20, 30
>>> # (when using atom string mask, index starts from 1)
>>> angles = pt.angle(traj, [':1 :10 :20', ':3 :20 :30'])
>>> # calculate angle for a series of atoms, using array for atom mask
>>> # angle between atom 1, 5, 8, distance between atom 4, 10, 20 (index starts from 0)
>>> angles = pt.angle(traj, [[1, 5, 8], [4, 10, 20]])
pytraj.dihedral(traj=None, mask='', top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None, *args, **kwargs)

compute dihedral angle between two maskes


traj : Trajectory-like, list of Trajectory, list of Frames

mask : str or array

top : Topology, optional

dtype : return type, defaul ‘ndarray’


1D ndarray if mask is a string

2D ndarray, shape (n_atom_pairs, n_frames) if mask is a list of strings or an array


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> # calculate dihedral angle for four atoms, using amber mask
>>> pt.dihedral(traj, '@1 @3 @10 @20')
array([ 23.32244362,  23.5386922 ,  14.26831569,  14.58865946,
        23.98675475,  26.18419185,   6.06982926,  13.57158505,
        16.59013076,  29.99131573])
>>> # calculate dihedral angle for four groups of atoms, using amber mask
>>> data = pt.dihedral(traj, '@1,37,8 @2,4,6 @5,20 @21,22')
>>> # calculate dihedral angle for four residues, using amber mask
>>> data = pt.dihedral(traj, ':1 :10 :20 :22')
>>> # calculate multiple dihedral angles for four residues, using amber mask
>>> # angle for residue 1, 10, 20, 30; angle between residue 3, 20, 30, 40
>>> # (when using atom string mask, index starts from 1)
>>> pt.dihedral(traj, [':1 :10 :20 :30', ':3 :20 :30 :40'])
array([[-166.81829116, -160.19029669, -158.56560062, ..., -169.10064772,
        -158.81655586, -165.28873555],
       [  -0.60994639,    0.78261235,    1.86394369, ...,    1.21170489,
          -1.16762607,   -3.08412049]])
>>> # calculate dihedral angle for a series of atoms, using array for atom mask
>>> # dihedral angle for atom 1, 5, 8, 10, dihedral for atom 4, 10, 20, 30 (index starts from 0)
>>> data = pt.dihedral(traj, [[1, 5, 8, 10], [4, 10, 20, 30]])
pytraj.rmsd(traj=None, mask='', ref=0, ref_mask='', nofit=False, mass=False, update_coordinate=True, frame_indices=None, top=None, dtype='ndarray')

compute rmsd


traj : Trajectory-like

mask : str or 1D array-like of string or 1D or 2D array-like

Atom mask/indices

ref : {Frame, int}, default=0 (first frame)

Reference frame or index.

ref_mask: str, optional

if given, use it instead of mask

nofit : bool, default False

if False, perform fitting (rotation and translation). if traj is mutable, its coordinates will be updated if True, not fitting.

mass : bool, default False

if True, include mass

update_coordinate : bool, default True

if True, coordinates will be updated. But this only apply to mutable Trajectory if False (same as nomod in cpptraj), no modification

frame_indices : int 1D array-like, default None

if not None, only compute rmsd for given frame indices

top : {Topology, str}, default None, optional

dtype : return data type, default=’ndarray’


if traj is mutable and update_coordinate=True, its coordinates will be updated.


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_trpcage()
>>> # all atoms, do fitting, using ref=traj[-3]
>>> data = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-3)
>>> # rmsd for 3 maskes, do fitting, using ref=traj[0] (defaul)
>>> data = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=['@CA', '@C', ':3-18@CA'], dtype='dataset')
>>> # rmsd to first frame, use mass ':3-13' but do not perorm fitting
>>> data= pt.rmsd(traj, ref=traj[0], mask=':3-13', nofit=True)
>>> # use atom indices for mask
>>> data= pt.rmsd(traj, ref=traj[0], mask=range(40), nofit=True)
>>> # compute rmsd (and align) with reference having different atoms
>>> trpcage_traj = pt.datafiles.load_trpcage()[:]
>>> tz2_traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2()[:1]
>>> data = pt.rmsd(trpcage_traj, mask='@1-10', ref=tz2_traj, ref_mask='@11-20')
>>> data
array([ 2.16203842,  2.28859396,  2.15817654, ...,  2.20767189,
        2.30087764,  1.92654945])
pytraj.rmsd_perres(traj=None, mask='', ref=0, mass=False, resrange=None, perres_mask=None, perres_center=False, perres_invert=False, frame_indices=None, top=None, dtype='dataset', **kwd)

superpose traj to ref with mask, then calculate nofit rms for residues in resrange with given perresmask


out : pytraj.DatasetList, shape=(1+n_residues, n_frames)

out[0]: regular rmsd out[1:]: perres rmsd for all given residues out.values will return corresponding numpy array

pytraj.pairwise_rmsd(traj=None, mask='', metric='rms', top=None, dtype='ndarray', mat_type='full', frame_indices=None)

calculate pairwise rmsd with different metrics.


traj : Trajectory-like or iterable object

mask : mask

if mask is “”, use all atoms

metric : {‘rms’, ‘dme’, ‘srmsd’, ‘nofit’}

if ‘rms’, perform rms fit if ‘dme’, use distance RMSD if ‘srmsd’, use symmetry-corrected RMSD if ‘nofit’, perform rmsd without fitting

top : Topology, optional, default=None

dtype: ndarray

return type

mat_type : str, {‘full’, ‘half’}

if ‘full’: return 2D array, shape=(n_frames, n_frames) if ‘half’: return 1D array, shape=(n_frames*(n_frames-1)/2, )


Install libcpptraj with openmp to get benefit from parallel


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> arr = pt.pairwise_rmsd(traj(0, 1000, mask='@CA'))
>>> # calculate pairwise rmsd for all frames using CA atoms, use `dme` (distance RMSD)
>>> # convert to numpy array
>>> arr_np = pt.pairwise_rmsd(traj, "@CA", metric="dme", dtype='ndarray')
>>> # calculate pairwise rmsd for all frames using CA atoms, nofit for RMSD
>>> # convert to numpy array
>>> arr_np = pt.pairwise_rmsd(traj, "@CA", metric="nofit", dtype='ndarray')
>>> # calculate pairwise rmsd for all frames using CA atoms
>>> # use symmetry-corrected RMSD, convert to numpy array
>>> arr_np = pt.pairwise_rmsd(traj, "@CA", metric="srmsd", dtype='ndarray')
>>> # use different dtype
>>> arr_np = pt.pairwise_rmsd(traj, "@CA", metric="srmsd", dtype='dataset')
pytraj.dssp(traj=None, mask='', frame_indices=None, dtype='ndarray', simplified=False, top=None)

return dssp profile for frame/traj


traj : Trajectory-like

mask: str

atom mask

frame_indices : {None, array-like}, default None, optional

specify frame numbers for calculation. if None, do all frames

dtype : str, default ‘ndarray’

return data type, for regular user, just use default one (ndarray). use dtype=’dataset’ if wanting to get secondary structure in integer format

simplified : bool, default False

if True, use simplified codes, only has ‘H’, ‘E’ and ‘C’ if False, use all DSSP codes


out_0: ndarray, shape=(n_residues,)

residue names

out_1: ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_residues)

DSSP for each residue

out_2 : pytraj.DatasetList

average value for each secondary structure type


Character Integer DSSP_Char Seconday structure type
0 0 ‘0’ None
b 1 ‘E’ Parallel Beta-sheet
B 2 ‘B’ Anti-parallel Beta-sheet
G 3 ‘G’ 3-10 helix
H 4 ‘H’ Alpha helix
I 5 ‘I’ Pi (3-14) helix
T 6 ‘T’ Turn
S 7 ‘S’ Bend

Simlified codes:

- 'H': include 'H', 'G', 'I' (helix)
- 'E': include 'E', 'B' (strand)
- 'C': include 'T', 'S' or '0' (coil)

Simlified codes will be mostly used for visulization in other packages.


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.load_pdb_rcsb('1l2y')
>>> residues, ss, _ = pt.dssp(traj, ":2-10")
>>> residues 
array(['LEU:2', 'TYR:3', 'ILE:4', 'GLN:5', 'TRP:6', 'LEU:7', 'LYS:8',
       'ASP:9', 'GLY:10'],
>>> ss 
array([['0', 'H', 'H', ..., 'H', 'T', '0'],
       ['0', 'H', 'H', ..., 'H', 'T', '0'],
       ['0', 'H', 'H', ..., 'H', 'T', '0'],
       ['0', 'H', 'H', ..., 'H', 'T', '0'],
       ['0', 'H', 'H', ..., 'H', 'H', '0'],
       ['0', 'H', 'H', ..., 'H', 'T', '0']],
>>> residues, ss, _ = pt.dssp(traj, mask=range(100))
>>> traj = pt.fetch_pdb('1l2y')
>>> residues, ss, _ = pt.dssp(traj, simplified=True)
>>> ss[0].tolist() # first frame
['C', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'C', 'C', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C']
pytraj.multidihedral(traj=None, dhtypes=None, resrange=None, define_new_type=None, range360=False, dtype='dataset', top=None, frame_indices=None)

perform dihedral search


traj : Trajectory-like object

dhtypes : dihedral type, default None

if None, calculate all supported dihedrals

resrange : str | array-like

residue range for searching. If resrange is string, use index starting with 1 (cpptraj convertion) if resrange is array-like, use index starting from 0 (python convention)

define_new_type : str

define new type for searching

range360 : bool, default False

if True: use 0-360

top : Topology | str, optional

only need to have ‘top’ if can not find it in traj


pytraj.DatasetList (use values attribute to get raw numpy array)


Dataset lables show residue number in 1-based index


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> data = pt.multidihedral(traj)
>>> data = pt.multidihedral(traj, 'phi psi')
>>> data = pt.multidihedral(traj, resrange=range(8))
>>> data = pt.multidihedral(traj, range360=True)
>>> data = pt.multidihedral(traj, resrange='1,3,5')
>>> data = pt.multidihedral(traj, dhtypes='phi psi')
>>> data = pt.multidihedral(traj, dhtypes='phi psi', resrange='3-7')
>>> data = pt.multidihedral(traj, dhtypes='phi psi', resrange=[3, 4, 8])
pytraj.bfactors(traj=None, mask='', byres=True, top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None)

calculate pseudo bfactor


traj: Trajectory-like

mask: str, mask


if dtype is ‘ndarray’ (default), return a numpy array

with shape=(n_atoms/n_residues, 2) ([atom_or_residue_idx, value])


This is NOT getting bfactor from xray, but computing bfactor from simulation.


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> from pytraj.testing import get_fn
>>> fn, tn = get_fn('tz2')
>>> traj = pt.load(fn, tn, mask='!:WAT')
>>> traj = pt.superpose(traj)
>>> bfactor = pt.calc_bfactors(traj, byres=True)
pytraj.radgyr(traj=None, mask='', top=None, nomax=True, frame_indices=None, dtype='ndarray')

compute radius of gyration


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> data = pt.radgyr(traj, '@CA')
>>> data = pt.radgyr(traj, '!:WAT', nomax=False)
>>> data = pt.radgyr(traj, '@CA', frame_indices=[2, 4, 6])
pytraj.molsurf(traj=None, mask='', probe=1.4, offset=0.0, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None, top=None)

calc molsurf


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> pt.molsurf(traj, '@CA')
array([ 458.51409637,  459.64784573,  456.54690793,  467.72939574,
        462.45908781,  458.70327554,  454.40514806,  455.15015576,
        468.70566447,  456.0058624 ])
>>> pt.molsurf(traj, '!:WAT')
array([ 1079.1395679 ,  1090.79759341,  1069.65127413,  1096.0810919 ,
        1091.65862234,  1091.68906298,  1085.53105392,  1069.22510187,
        1079.70803583,  1075.8151414 ])
pytraj.calc_vector(traj=None, command='', frame_indices=None, dtype='ndarray', top=None)

perform vector calculation. See example below. Same as ‘vector’ command in cpptraj.


traj : Trajectory-like or iterable that produces pytraj.Frame

command : str or a list of strings, cpptraj command

frame_indices : array-like, optional, default None

only perform calculation for given frame indices

dtype : output’s dtype, default ‘ndarray’

top : Topology, optional, default None


out : numpy ndarray, shape (n_frames, 3) if command is a string

numpy ndarray, shape (n_vectors, n_frames, 3) if command is a list of strings


It’s faster to calculate with a list of commands. For example, if you need to perform 3 calculations for ‘ucellx’, ‘boxcenter’, ‘box’ like below:

>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, "ucellx")
>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, "boxcenter")
>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, "box")

You should use a list of commands for faster calculation.

>>> comlist = ['ucellx', 'boxcenter', 'box']
>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, comlist)


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, "@CA @CB")
>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, [("@CA @CB"),])
>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, "principal z")
>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, "principal x")
>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, "ucellx")
>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, "boxcenter")
>>> data = pt.calc_vector(traj, "box")
pytraj.center_of_mass(traj=None, mask='', top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None)

compute center of mass


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2()
>>> # compute center of mass residue 3 for first 2 frames.
>>> pt.calc_center_of_mass(traj(stop=2), ':3')
array([[-0.661702  ,  6.69124347,  3.35159413],
       [ 0.5620708 ,  7.82263042, -0.72707798]])
pytraj.center_of_geometry(traj=None, mask='', top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None)
pytraj.search_hbonds(traj, mask='', solvent_donor=None, solvent_acceptor=None, distance=3.0, angle=135.0, image=False, series=True, options='', dtype='hbond', frame_indices=None, top=None)

(combined with cpptraj doc) Searching for Hbond donors/acceptors in region specified by mask. Hydrogen bond is defined as A-HD, where A is acceptor heavy atom, H is hydrogen, D is donor heavy atom. Hydrogen bond is formed when A to D distance < distance cutoff and A-H-D angle > angle cutoff; if angle < 0 it is ignored.


traj : Trajectory-like

mask : {str, 1D array-like}

Atom mask for searching hbond. If this mask is specify, cpptraj will automatically search for donors and acceptors.

solvent_donor : {None, str}, default None

solvent_acceptor: {None, str}, deafult None

if solvent_acceptor and solvent_donor are None, cpptraj only search hbond for if solvent_donor and solvent_acceptor are NOT None, cpptraj will search for hbond between solute and solvent too.

distance : float, default 3.0 (angstrom)

hbond distance cut off

angle : float, 135.0 degree

hbond angle cut off

dtype : return output’s type, default ‘hbond’

image : bool, default False

series : bool, default True

  • output time series (array of 1 and 0) for hbond or not (highly recommend to use this default value)
  • if False, you must specify dtype=’dataset’

options : str

additional cpptraj options. For example you can explicitly specify donormask and acceptormask.

  • If donormask is specified but not acceptormask, acceptors will be automatically searched for in mask.
  • If acceptormask is specified but not donormask, donors will be

automatically search for in mask.

  • If both donormask and acceptormask are specified no automatic searching will occur.

out : DatasetHBond if series is True else return ‘DatasetList’

See also



  • pytraj use ‘series’ as default. In cpptraj, you need to explicitly specify ‘series’.
  • if ‘series’ is False, the ‘dtype’ argument will be ignored.


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.load_sample_data('tz2')
>>> # search hbond without including solvent
>>> data = pt.search_hbonds(traj, ':5,8')
>>> data
donor_acceptor pairs : 2>
>>> data.donor_acceptor
['LYS8_O-GLU5_N-H', 'GLU5_O-LYS8_N-H']
>>> # get raw data, ndarray with shape=(n_hbonds+1, n_frames)
>>> # first array shows the total solute hbonds and other arrays shows
>>> # if hbond exists (1) or non-exists (0) for each frame
>>> data.values
array([[2, 2, 0, ..., 1, 1, 1],
       [1, 1, 0, ..., 1, 1, 1],
       [1, 1, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0]], dtype=int32)
>>> # search hbond including solvent
>>> hbonds = pt.search_hbonds(traj, ':5,8', solvent_donor=':WAT@O', solvent_acceptor=':WAT')
>>> hbonds
donor_acceptor pairs : 8>
>>> hbonds.donor_acceptor
['LYS8_O-GLU5_N-H', 'GLU5_O-LYS8_N-H', 'LYS8_HZ1-V', 'LYS8_HZ2-V', 'GLU5_OE2-V', 'GLU5_O-V', 'GLU5_OE1-V', 'LYS8_HZ3-V']
>>> # 'GLU5_O-V' mean non-specific hbond between GLU5_O and solvent (:WAT in this case)
pytraj.jcoupling(traj=None, mask='', top=None, kfile=None, dtype='dataset', frame_indices=None)

compute j-coupling


traj : any things that make frame_iter_master returning Frame object

command : str, default “”

cpptraj’s command/mask

kfile : str, default None, optional

Dir for Karplus file. If “None”, use $AMBERHOME dir

dtype : str, {‘dataset’, ...}, default ‘dataset’


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2()
>>> data = pt.calc_jcoupling(traj, ':1-12', kfile='data/Karplus.txt')
pytraj.volume(traj=None, mask='', top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None)

compute volume


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> vol = pt.calc_volume(traj, '@CA')
pytraj.mindist(traj=None, command='', top=None, dtype='ndarray', frame_indices=None)

compute mindist


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2()
>>> data = pt.mindist(traj, '@CA @H')
pytraj.acorr(data, dtype='ndarray', option='')

compute autocorrelation


data : 1d array-like

dtype: return type, default ‘ndarray’

covar : bool, default True

option : str

more cpptraj options


Same as autocorr in cpptraj

pytraj.xcorr(data0, data1, dtype='ndarray')

compute cross correlation between two datasets


data0 and data1: 1D-array like

dtype : return datatype, default ‘ndarray’


Same as corr in cpptraj

pytraj.timecorr(vec0, vec1, order=2, tstep=1.0, tcorr=10000.0, norm=False, dtype='ndarray')

compute time correlation.


vec0 : 2D array-like, shape=(n_frames, 3)

vec1 : 2D array-like, shape=(n_frames, 3)

order : int, default 2

tstep : float, default 1.

tcorr : float, default 10000.

norm : bool, default False

pytraj.principal_axes(traj=None, mask='*', dorotation=False, mass=True, top=None)

compute principal axes


traj : Trajectory-like

mask : str, default ‘*’ (all atoms)

mass: bool, defaul True

if `dorotation`, the system will be aligned along principal axes (apply for mutable system)

top : Topology, optional


out_0 : numpy array, shape=(n_frames, 3, 3)

out_1: numpy array with shape=(n_frames, 3)

pytraj.randomize_ions(traj, mask, around, by, overlap, seed=1, top=None, frame_indices=None)

randomize_ions for given Frame with Topology


traj : Trajectory-like or a Frame

traj must be mutable

mask : str

cpptraj command

frame_indices : {None, array-like}, optional

top : Topology, optional (only needed if traj does not have it)


>>> pt.randomize_ions(traj, mask='@Na+', around=':1-16', by=5.0, overlap=3.0, seed=113698) 
pytraj.crank(data0, data1, mode='distance', dtype='ndarray')

data0 : array-like

data1 : array-like

mode : str, {‘distance’, ‘angle’}

dtype : str


Same as crank in cpptraj


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2()
>>> distances = pt.distance(traj, [':3 :7', ':8 :12'])
>>> out = pt.crank(distances[0], distances[1])
pytraj.autoimage(traj, mask='', frame_indices=None, top=None)

perform autoimage and return the coordinate-updated traj

>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()[:]
>>> traj = pt.autoimage(traj)
pytraj.closest(traj=None, mask='*', solvent_mask=None, n_solvents=10, frame_indices=None, dtype='iterator', top=None)

return either a new Trajectory or a frame iterator. Keep only n_solvents closest to mask


traj : Trajectory-like | list of Trajectory-like/frames | frame iterator | chunk iterator

mask: str, default ‘*’ (all solute atoms)

top : Topology-like object, default=None, optional

dtype : {‘iterator’, ‘trajectory’}, default ‘iterator’

if ‘iterator’, return a tuple of Frame iterator and new Toplogy. ‘iterator’ is good for streaming large trajectory. if ‘trajectory’, return a new Trajectory.


out : (check above)


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> # obtain new traj, keeping only closest 100 waters
>>> # to residues 1 to 13 (index starts from 1) by distance to the first atom of water
>>> t = pt.closest(traj, mask='@CA', n_solvents=10)
pytraj.search_neighbors(traj=None, mask='', frame_indices=None, dtype='dataset', top=None)

search neighbors


pytraj.DatasetList, is a list of atom index arrays for each frame.

Those arrays might not have the same lenghth


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> indices = pt.search_neighbors(traj, ':5<@5.0') # around residue 5 with 5.0 cutoff
pytraj.watershell(traj=None, solute_mask='', solvent_mask=':WAT', lower=3.4, upper=5.0, image=True, dtype='dataset', frame_indices=None, top=None)

(adapted from cpptraj doc): Calculate numbers of waters in 1st and 2nd solvation shells (defined by <lower cut> (default 3.4 Ang.) and <upper cut> (default 5.0 Ang.)


traj : Trajectory-like

solute_mask: solute mask

solvent_mask: solvent mask

lower : double, default 3.4

lower cut distance

upper : double, default 5.0

upper cut distance

image : bool, defaul True

do autoimage if True

dtype : return type, defaul ‘dataset’

top : Topology, optional


>>> import pytraj as pt
>>> traj = pt.datafiles.load_tz2_ortho()
>>> data = pt.watershell(traj, solute_mask='!:WAT')
>>> data = pt.watershell(traj, solute_mask='!:WAT', lower=5.0, upper=10.)